Friday, December 16, 2011


I was given homework by my friend arum. ok, I'll do it. walllaaa
I was given 11 questions that probably I should answer, and first I'll tell you about myself :

1.I'm Muslim but somehow I do not wear hijab like my friends who have repented. hahaha
2.I like durian and avocado, very much :D
3.I was so obsessed with Hollywood artist Kim Kardashian because I think she is beautiful and sexylike me.(going out lightning and earthquakes are very powerful when I spoke the words).-_-
4.I love my parents, my sisters and my boyfriend :) . je t'aime all
5.I think I have a good voice. so I like to sing. very like!

now I will answer questions from arum
1. How is your life now?
very good and maybe I feel skinny
2. Who are you most love?
my family and my boyfriend 
3. Can you play guitar?
I can do that
4. Would you like to daydream?
I think daydreaming is just wasting time 
5. How deep you know me? :p
so deep, until I can not mention everything
6. Who is your idol?
7. What is your ugliness?
i was too "gembel" 
8. Do you like study? why?
not really,  if there is only interesting to be studied
9. Where is your high school?
10. Do you have pets? Why?
yap I had a hamster
11. Where is your favorite place?

I will not give homework to anyone

Thursday, December 1, 2011

passionate lust

I made ​​this picture just spill my ignorance only.
in this picture there is me and my boyfriend.
please do not imitate in this scene.

i love denim

when I'm hanging out to the mall, I often find the teenagers who wear a variety of jeans or denim material. jeans material may already be too famous among men. because each person must have jeans in their closet.

I've adapted my picture in a magazine. when I was busy flipping through a magazine there denim vest design which I think is very classic.
then I fad to draw it on paper.
ok. this day somehow thought to create a new blog header. I'm bored with my old blog header, too monoton.hehe
header which I make art is a bit smelly, but I guess it's not, because I just dumped the contents of my brain into the white base.
do you think my header is very surprise you? I think not.

if I see the blogs of my friends are super fantastic and make me jealous. please do not be imitated:). I always wondered, "how come, its really good blog". so I'm a passion for making my blog more fantastic again. yipiiiii

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

green nail polish

last night I was a fad to paint my nails with green color. looks weird, like the grass in my grandmother's village has been tainted cow manure.

make matters worse, my friend told me that my nails like the color of grave headstone. very weird but my friend is a little displaced top of his head -_-
and he also hit a little parasite that makes her
  like an alien.
but I also kind of alien. wk


hello all, this morning so that may be the worst day for me, because I left for an internship with the city bus. seemed lost in the bush thicket that itch.
but, but that's all I have to go through with gusto. he he

ok, to shorten the time, I just wanted to show off one of my work. I can be my inspiration from a woman who wore knit.
not good but I like it:)

Friday, November 25, 2011

today, I do not like the word "MAM"
It sounds so disgusting in my ear.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Kembang Mekrok

flowers. if you have high imagination, would have thought of this flower. haha
This flower I made ​​using my paint application. I never saw this flower on the grave. even so many flowers like this in the cemetery. It looks scary is not it?
Such flowers are also found on the island of Bali, the tourists often use it in the ear. if at home, things like that will cause a lot of speculation. as an example, you will be exposed to your mother mad, and mother you say "throw it far away flowers, if you do not want bad luck"
hahahahhahha, LOL

Thursday, November 17, 2011


in place of my internship, I do not know what to do if there is no work,
so I'm pouring my scribbles in paint application's windows.
not great but not bad for my collection.

chek this out--->

It does not matter -____-
Indonesia go go!
I'm giving yel yel to Indonesia who were playing in the event the SEA GAME.


My picture of this one is verv very confusing.  whether you can interpret it ? :D

coffee morning

this morning i dont know why, i want to drink a glass of coffee. the smell that can make this morning spirit. actually, I can't make coffee like another mothers generally. my friend said that, i should drink a gallon of coffee. it sounds crazy for me or maybe for us. have you ever hear "gembel" word before?
yeah, thats me and my friend.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

i'm very speechless and surprised while i know that i won in an idiot contest that held by my friend.
i'm be the number one as the most idiot women in the world. actually i want to laugh but i think that it's not important -__-
this is my trophy


polkadot man

when i went to the mosque , accidentally met with an old man bearded. then i have an imagination to make a face sketch of that old man.
hahahah, it looks funny for me.
lets see my picture . ---- :) yipii

car or bicycle ?

which you choose , car or bicycle?.
this question always in proposing to the road users. well, i prefer to used bicycle because environmentally friendly and without fuel , so i don't need much money to go around the world. only crazy people that like me . do you know that?hahahahaha
i think better for us not to discuss it anymore. blahh :D

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

untuk sekedar tau !

Attache case : Tas kantor berbentuk boks. Tas ini bisa dibuka lebar. Biasa digunakan untuk menyimpan dokumen, tempat pena, kaca mata, agenda dan sebagainya.
Band collar : Model kerah tanpa kelepak, biasa disebut kerah Nehru.
Bandana : Kain pengikat kepala atau leher yang biasa dipakai untuk kegiatan out door.
Belt loops : Tempat untuk memasukkan ikat pinggang pada ban pinggang.
Black tie : Setelan jas dan pantalon hitam dengan dasi kupu-kupu.
Blazer : Jas kasual.
Bot (boots) : Sepatu yang tingginya menutupi mata kaki.
Boxer : Celana dalam pria dengan model seperti celana petinju.
Braid : Garis vertikal pada kedua sisi pipa pantalon black tie atau tails coat.
Button-down collar : Model kerah kemeja dengan kancing pada ujung kelepaknya.
Brief : Celana dalam pria yang ketat pada bagian pangkal paha.
Buckle : Sepatu dengan hiasan gesper.

(kardigan) : Busana rajut lengan panjang tanpa kerah dengan deretan kancing di depan, memiliki garis vertikal pada bagian depan.
Cashmere (kasmir) : Sejenis bahan wol yang berkualitas tinggi yang sangat halus.
Cravat : Selendang penghias leher yang kedua ujungnya dimasukkan kebalik kemeja.
Crew-neck : Model kerah yang melingkar ketat pada pangkal leher.
Coatjacks : Berasal dari kata coat dan jacket. Model sports jacket yang potongannya longgar.
Cuff : Lipatan balik pada ujung pipa pantalon, manset lengan kemeja.
Cuff link : Kancing hias pada manset lengan.
Cummerbund : Sabuk besar dari kain berlipit-lipit yang dikenakan bersama tuxedo.
Denim : Bahan katun biru yang biasa digunakan untuk jins.
Double-breasted : Model jas yang bagian depannya saling bertumpuk.
Dress code : Jenis busana yang harus dikenakan untuk menghadiri suatu acara.
Fast track : Sepatu dengan bagian tumit terbuat dari karet.
Four in hand : Cara mengikat dasi yang menghasilkan simpul asimetris.
French-cuff (double cuff) : Model manset lengan dengan lipatan balik.
Flanel (flannel) : Salah satu jenis bahan wol yang permukaannya sangat berbulu.
Gabardine : Salah satu jenis bahan wol.

 Lace-up : Sepatu yang memiliki lidah dan tali.
Long john : Celana dalam pria yang panjangnya semata kaki.
Loafer : Sepatu tanpa tali.
Manset : Ujung lengan kemeja yang dibuat lebih kaku dan berkancing.
Money clip : Logam yang didesain untuk menjepit uang kertas.
Overcoat : Mantel.
 Padding : Bantalan bahu.
Polo shirt (kaos polo) : Kemeja kaus berkerah, berlengan pendek. Pertama kali dibuat oleh Rene Lacoste, pemain tenis terkenal.
Pullover : Busana rajut tanpa kancing.
Pump : Sepatu hitam untuk dikenakan bersama busana black tie, tanpa tali dan biasanya dihias sebuah pita sutera di depan.
Portfolio : Tempat arsip, bentuknya tipis.
Pilot case : Tas berbentuk boks keras, biasa dipakai para pilot. Hanya bisa dibuka bagian atasnya.
Pique vest : Rompi yang biasa dikenakan dengan busana white tie.
Single breasted : Jas dengan deretan kancing pada bagian tengah-depan.
Slip on : Model sepatu tanpa tali.
Spread collar (cutaway collar) : Model kerah dengan sudut yang besar untuk simpul dasi.
Suit : Setelan jas dan pantalon dengan bahan dan warna yang sama.

 Suspender (braces) : Tali pengait agar ban pinggang celana tetap pada posisinya. Bagian tengahnya diletakkan di pundak dan ujungnya dikaitkan pada ban pinggang depan dan belakang celana.
Sweater : Busana rajut berlengan atau tanpa lengan.
Tail coat : Busana formal berupa jas hitam yang pada bagian belakangnya sepanjang lutut. Kerahnya dibuat dari sutera atau satin hitam. Pantalonnya diberi dua garis vertikal dari sutera atau satin hitam.
T-Shirt : Busana kaus berlengan pendek, tanpa kerah.
Turtleneck : Kerah  yang menutupi seluruh leher dan dapat dilipat setengahnya sampai setinggi jakun.
Tuxedo : Setelan jas dan pantalon hitam atau biru kelam dengan kemeja putih dan dasi kupu-kupu. Kelepak jasnya dari sutera atau satin. Pantalonnya diberi garis vertikal.
V-neck : Potongan leher berbentuk V.
Vest (rompi) : Busana tanpa lengan yang membalut kemeja.
White tuxedo : Modelnya sama dengan tuxedo hitam, tapi jasnya berwarna putih atau beige. Pantalonnya berwarna hitam. Busana ini biasa dikenakan pada pesta formal di ruangan terbuka atau di kapal pesiar.
Windsor : Cara mengikat dasi yang menghasilkan simpul simetris.
Wings collar : Model kerah kemeja putih berbentuk segi tiga kecil, dikenakan bersama dasi kupu-kupu.

dress prom PINJEM atau BELI ?

waktu aku buka akun yahoo answer,ada seorang gadis bertanya,
"enaknya kalau mau prom pake dres yang model apa,terus enakan beli atau pinjem"
"wah enakan pinjem aja,lebih murah ma ga ribet .ntar bisa gengsian dikit kalo prom selanjutnya isa pake baju yang beda dengan ongkos yang ga bikin pantat kaku"

ini termasuk contoh dress prom yang lagi in di tahun 2011, cekidot

coco girl

tadi waktu ol facebook ku maen coco girl.pertama bingung sih iya,aku perhatiin pake bayar bayar segala.
aku baru tahu kalo maen begituan pake pay pal.
pernah temenku nyaranin buat pay pal .tapi rumit sangat buatnya dan akupun males akhirnya,
bahasaku seperti bahasa orang yang habis keselek bros nenekku.
coco girl  itu aku banget :D

Monday, August 22, 2011

desperate housewives

pengen banget dah liat film ini,bisa di bilang sinetron jugak sih.dulu tamppil tiap malem.kata ibuk."hayo itu film saru gak usah di tonton".tapi dengan semangat dan rasa keingin tahuan yang menggebu gebu,aku nonton mumpet ternyata saru juga haha :D

tapi aku sangat suka drama film ini,nice movie :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Since its launch in 1994, CK One by Calvin Klein has been known as the fragrance for sharing. Now the brand is giving you the choice not to share with their new CK One Shock For Him and CK One Shock For her separate perfumes.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

thank you (: ,but sorry "broken "

all about hello kitty

dulu aku pernah bilang ma adekku .halah hello kitty ki apa.kucing yang sok jaim .ga pernah senyum sama sekali.huw.aku kemakan  omonganku sendiri.dan sekarang aku paling demen yang namane hello kitty (: